As part of the CAA, $2.75 billion was set aside to provide Emergency Assistance to Non-public Schools (EANS). The U.S. Department of Education (the Department) will allocate EANS awards to each state based on their share of low-income, school-age children who are enrolled in non-public schools. States are to prioritize assistance to schools that enroll low-income students, as well as schools that are most impacted by COVID-19.
EANS is intended to provide support for private schools to initiate and maintain education and support services for in-person and remote learning during the pandemic. Qualifying COVID-19 expenses include items such as:
Keep a few things in mind as you evaluate pursing this grant opportunity. First, the list above is not all-inclusive; there are many additional COVID-19 related costs that can be reimbursed. Second, you may have to evaluate which funding opportunity to pursue under the CAA. You can’t get a second round Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan through the 2021 CAA and also get an EANS award; however, you can have already received a first round PPP loan.
Non-public schools can apply for funds through their respective state’s appointed educational agency.
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